Marathon Training 101

Spread the passion

Marathon events have become very popular in the last decade. Thousands of all-level runners, from elite athletes to hobbyists, participate every year in Marathon races. Such a long-distance event (26.2 mi/ 42.1 km), requires a well-structured Marathon training plan; that is, if you want to perform well and, while at it, enjoy the race. Obviously, a Marathon athlete must combine personal life and work, with a 12-24 week-long training plan; therefore, they need to get super-organized. So, at the end of the day, how can one face up to the Marathon training challenge? Read on to find out!

From my experience, as a coach and an athlete alike, I can assure you of two things:

  1. Marathon training is a very demanding process, both mentally and physically; nevertheless, it’s doable.
  2. Coming up with — and sticking to — a well-coordinated and integrated training plan will help you work wonders!

A typical Marathon training plan for the average Jane or Joe roughly contains 6-10 training hours per week. The truth is, we could touch upon the training hours, level of the athlete, total kilometers covered per week, etc.; however, this is each a topic on its own, and we’ll probably dedicate one or more future posts on them. For now, just remember that the next-door runner has to squeeze their Marathon training hours into their usual daily schedule.

To that end, we have assembled a few tips that we think may help you to nail it!

5 tips to streamline your Marathon training:

At first glance, training for a Marathon seems impossible; yet, this is the real magic of a good Marathon training plan: it makes the impossible, possible. Now, let’s see how we can work this out for you.

1. Make Sunday a (Long) “Runday”
A strategy that works great is to carry out the most time-consuming workout — the famous “Long Run” — on weekends; that’s when you are most likely to commit to it, since you have the most free time.

2. Enjoy the sunrise
I know, I know, this is a tough one; but you can get used to it! Wake up earlier, treat yourself with a cup of Joe (or not), put your shoes on, and start training. Apart from the breathtaking view of the sunrise, the feeling of “Yes, I did it!”, will certainly boost your confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

3. Hire a coach
Mark my words: hiring a coach will prove to be a worthy investment, with multiple benefits. Above all, a coach will adapt the necessary training load and training stress to your busy life. This way, you will avoid meaningless workouts, and/or an unbearable training load or injuries, even! Smart training is far superior to… just training.

4. Organise every single thing
Get down to the nuts and bolts of your training program. Prepare your running equipment the night before your morning run. Reduce the time you spend on social media; and your screen-time generally. Use time-saving training software to go through your plan, monitor your progress, and communicate with your coach; luckily, has got your back on this!

5. Create the perfect combination
If you are to ‘hit the ground running’, you better be creative — and have fun. For instance, you can execute your workout with your children (using their bikes) and have fun together! Another solution is to run with your better half, and make a win-win situation out of it.

All things considered…

The thing is, Marathon training is a difficult and demanding process. However, you can make it a bit easier by following the tips above; or even find something else that works best for you. And, all things considered, training for a Marathon — and the race itself — will be a rewarding experience. So off you go, the finish line is winking at you 😉!

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