Follow your progress and check out training data on your dashboard

Sync with

Connect your running watch to Sync your smart watch with to automatically upload scheduled workouts to your device. Follow your workout instructions on your running watch Start your training session on your watch and follow the prompts to make sure you’re hitting your target pace or heart rate numbers.

Sync with Strava

Connect your account with your Strava account and synchronise all workouts available from any device you’re using with Strava.

Analyse your data

Analyse training data. Establish progress by parameter, such as heart rate, pace or ascent, all in one graph!

Performance Graphs

Fitness, form, fatigue and readiness graphs, on various time frames, for optimal monitoring. Avoid excessive fatigue, over-training or under-training symptoms

Multisport activities

Receive multisport activities from your devices, for better activity classification, improved bookkeeping and more accurate performance graphs (per sport) and overall fitness, form, fatigue graphs

Expected Fitness-Form-Fatigue Graph

Visualize a prediction curve for performance, identify possible improvements and make adjustments to help you to reach your goals effectively, with balanced stimulus and training load.

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